Здесь вы можете прочитать аннотации и скачать книги о психотерапии тяжелобольных (онкозаболевания и др.) и умирающих, в основном на английском языке.
1. «Умирающий пациент в психотерапии» Джой Шаверен скачать
2. «Living and dying with cancer» Angela Armstrong-Coster скачать
3. «Faith, hope and healing: Inspiring lessons learned from people living with cancer» Bernie Siegel, Jennifer Sander скачать
4. «Dying, death and grief: Working with adult bereavement» Brenda Mallon скачать
5. «In the face of death: Professionals who care for the dying and the bereaved» Danai Papadatou скачать
6. «Living with cancer» Dave Visel скачать
7. «Palliative care in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: From diagnosis to beraevement» David Oliver, Gian Domenico Borasio, Wendy Johnston (editors) скачать
8. «Arts therapies and progressive illness: Nameless dread» Diane Waller (editor) скачать
9. «Understanding and treating fear of pain» Gordon J. G. Asmundson, Johan W. S. Vlaeyen, Geert Crombez (editors) скачать
10. «Living with learning disabilities, dying with cancer: Thirteen personal stories» Irene Tuffrey Wijne скачать
11. «Decision making near the end of life» James L. Werth, Dean Blevins (editors) скачать
12. «Caring for the dying patient and the family: Joy Robbins, Janet Moscrop (editors) скачать
13. «Living with dying: A handbook for end-of-life healthcare practitioners» Joan Berzoff, Phillis R. Silverman скачать
14. «Be not afraid: Overcoming the fear of death» Johann Christoph Arnold скачать
15. «Coping skills therapy for managing chronic and terminal illness» Kenneth Sharoff скачать
16. «Dangerous journey: Living with cancer, surviving cancer» Marie Harlech-Jones скачать
17. «Conquer the fear of death» Nancy Willams скачать
18. «Treating health anxiety and fear of death» Patricia Furer, John R. Walker, Murray B. Stein скачать
19. «When professionals weep: Emotional and countertransference responses in end-of-life care» Renee S. Katz, Therese A. Johnson скачать
20. «Cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic illness and disability» Renee R. Taylor скачать
21. «End-of-life issues, grief and bereavement: What clinicians need to know» Sara H. Qualls, Julia E. Kasl-Godley скачать
22. «The complete idiot’s guide to living with breast cancer» Sharon Sorenson, Suzanne Metzger скачать
23. «Coping with chronic illness: A cognitive-beheavioral therapy approach for adherence and depression (Workbook)» Steven A. Safren, Jeffrey S. Gonzalez, Nafisseh Soroudi скачать
24. «Coping with Chronic Illness: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach for Adherence and Depression: Therapist Guide» Steven Safren, Jeffrey Gonzalez, Nafisseh Soroudi скачать
25. «Choices for living: Coping with fear of dying» Thomas S. Langner скачать
26. «Living with cancer: Teen’s guide» Zoann Dreyer скачать
27. «When Children Die: Improving Palliative and End-Of-Life Care for Children and Their Families» Marilyn J. Field, Richard E. Behrman скачать